What Is Kundalini Energy? Find Out!

The arousal of the life force and union are some of the ways Judith Pennington describes the fascinating energy of kundalini in this 5-minute video clip. Here, Judith, world expert on brain waves, meditation, and the Awakened Mind, in conversation with iAwake’s CEO, John Dupuy, explains just what kundalini is in elegant, simple terms we…

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Gamma Brain Waves and What They Do For Our Brains

Gamma Brain Waves and What They Do For Our Brains

Judith Pennington shares her extensive knowledge of gamma brain waves with John Dupuy, co-founder of iAwake Technologies. Judith is the founder of the Institute for the Awakened Mind, where practitioners from all over the world use the Mind Mirror EEG to map, monitor, train, and research advanced states of consciousness. Judith:        I fell in love…

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How To Fast-Track a State of Pure Awareness

John Dupuy of iAwake Technologies talks with best-selling author Jonathan Robinson (The Technology of Joy, More Love Less Conflict) about how to awaken spiritually and access states of pure awareness. Jonathan is the creator and narrator of the guided meditations on iAwake’s latest release, Shortcuts to Awakening, which gives us the best of both worlds: effective and…

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A Deep Sleep Meditation That Entrains Your Brain

As we are all learning in this age of astounding progress in the field of neuroscience, the brain is capable of being trained and re-trained in ways we previously thought impossible. Now Joseph Kao, a brilliant hypnotherapist from the U.K., has turned his hand to developing a tool — a guided deep sleep meditation — to help people both relax deeply and also…

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Cycles of Practice, Developing Intuition, and the Importance of Letting Go | iAwake Practitioner’s Weekly Coaching Call on June 14, 2017

John and Doug talk about iAwake Technologies’ new track developed by Doug Prater himself, Stealing Flow – a tool which can help you become your best self. They also discuss Stealing Fire, the book which was the inspiration for Stealing Flow. John also talks about depression and how to overcome it through finding your path and…

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iAwake, Consciousness Hacking, and the Future of Transformative Technologies

Excerpted from a conversation about transformative technologies and practices and their individual and cultural effects, with sociologist Harley Bergroth, currently researching his PhD at the University of Turku, Finland, and iAwake’s CTO and sound energy artist, Javi Otero, creator of Fractal Entrainment, a method of using sound energy to resonate the whole body. Harley:          …

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Technological Grace: Just When We Needed You Most

While I was meditating today, I was thinking about all the breakthroughs people are having doing this practice of using brain entrainment and biofield technology while meditating. If you could sit where I sit, hear, and read all of the testimonials from people that are using the iAwake technology—from our beta testers, from the students…

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Using Our Minds to Change Our Brains

How can we, as meditators, use our attention to direct the flow of energy and information in our brains? In effect, how can we use our minds to change our brains? There are many different types of meditation. One person’s definition of meditation may differ from another’s. We can loosely say that one thing meditation has…

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