For Ukraine, One Year Later: A Song and a Conversation

Ukraine! by John Dupuy

February 24, 2023 was the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  Of course you could say the invasion began in 2014 when the Russians illegally invaded and stole Crimea from Ukraine. This was after the Budapest Memorandum, in which the US and Russia declared that the current (as of 1994) boundaries of Ukraine were…

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On the Meaning of Life: How to Wake Up and Show Up

I’d like to talk about the meaning of life and tell you what that is from my perspective. First of all, I think we have to wake up. We have to remember; we have to know who and what we really are and wake up to our true identities, because before that we’re just wandering…

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Meditate Like a Rock: The Way to Spiritual Maturity

I was meditating the other day and thinking about the four noble truths of Buddhism: 1) Life is suffering. 2) We suffer because we’re attached. 3) The cessation of suffering is attainable. 4) The way out of the suffering, the path, includes practice. I went over this in my heart, in my mind, in my experience,…

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Relationships, Pain, and Finding Our Deepest Selves

Famous American psychiatrist and author William Glasser says that how we negotiate and take care of the handful of extremely important relationships we will have in our lives, in a large way determines whether we’re happy or not. Our relationships with our parents, our wives, our husbands, our children, our best friends, our mentors, our pets, are…

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A Powerful Meditation Practice Can Improve Everything That Matters

In the Hindu tradition, they talk about how siddhis emerge after one begins a process of deep meditation and awakening. Siddhis are special abilities and capacities, the equivalent of charisms or “gifts of the Spirit” in the Christian sense. In the Letters of Paul, in the New Testament, he talks about how different gifts of the Spirit were emerging in…

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A Dedicated Daily Meditation Practice Makes All the Difference

I think that enlightenment is a process—not one where somebody flicks on a light bulb and then you’re enlightened forever, and you’re perfect, and you speak all languages—no. It’s not like that. But it is a process, and when we engage in a daily meditation practice, perhaps that is the most enlightened choice that we can make…

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Technological Grace: Just When We Needed You Most

While I was meditating today, I was thinking about all the breakthroughs people are having doing this practice of using brain entrainment and biofield technology while meditating. If you could sit where I sit, hear, and read all of the testimonials from people that are using the iAwake technology—from our beta testers, from the students…

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A Poem by John Dupuy: Before the Stillness

Before the stillness the storm. Before peace the war. Before rebirth the destruction and the fire. Before forgiveness the pain of the violated. Before God the despair of the soul that is lost and has forgotten. Before dawn the darkness. Before awakening the dreams. The dreamer awakes to the source, is the source, the maker…

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Breaking our Addictive Patterns with the Profound Meditation Program

When we meditate with the Profound Meditation Program, we are consciously engaged in the process of evolving and healing our brains in an integral and holistic way. Unfortunately, this type of healing technology has not been available until very recently, and many of us are suffering from neurological deficits and emotional wounding based on our past…

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Meditation and the Butterfly Effect: Why What We Do Matters

I was thinking about our ambitions and our egos recently and how, as time goes by, as we struggle to do our inner work—our meditation, our contemplative practice, and our prayer work—the ego starts to shape itself into a functional, helpful form.  Of course we know that the end purpose of all things is not…

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Facing the Depths in Our Meditation Practice: Here Be Lions

Last Sunday, I was sitting doing my meditation, and I noticed how my ego really wanted to avoid going deep. There was a strong signal: No, no, no. Let’s stay on top. Let’s think about anything rather than surrendering into the depths. I’ve noticed the same thing with my students and clients, that oftentimes there’s a…

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