Life is a Sacred Embrace: A Greeting from Aotearoa
Kia ora, iAwake Community! Kia ora means hi and embrace life in Māori.

I’m Carmelle Riley from Aotearoa, the land of the long white cloud, otherwise known as New Zealand.
Tenei te mihi ki a tipuna kātoa – I give sacred thanks and honour to all our connections, our shared and separate ancestors, and to the atua – the great elementals of our Cosmos AiO (Source, God, All That Is) and our world – Papatūānuku, Earth Mother, and Ranginui, Sky Father.
In my culture, we always honour the atua first and then our connections as people. My indigenous bloodlines are a mix of Māori, Hawaiian (our Hawaiian name is Malatana, meaning Moon-Sight, or Sacred Illumination), Niuean (tiny atoll in the Pacific Ocean), Pakistani (Afghani, Iranian, and English). On my celestial star-lines, I’m Hinetakurua and Aotahi all the way (so my home planets are Sirius and Canopus), and I feel these star-kaitiaki (guardians) very strongly. They guide the energies of fire for creation and innovation, and regular retreat within to one’s sacred cave.
Many of you won’t have come down to the bottom of the world – to my country – so this may help explain our deep ‘nature’ focused spirituality. We are reverent of the land, the sky, the sea, the winds, the forests, the mountains, and all 12 heavens. “Te Po Te Po Te Po”. I was born in a tiny village called Levin, which has a sacred lake that is known indigenously as the “third eye” of our country.
Aotearoa is a small mountain nation governed by Aquarius, rocked by Ruamoko (earthquakes) and home to 5 million people. The country is two islands and the South is known as the Waka Pounamu. Waka means canoe or travelling vessel, and Pounamu is our sacred Greenstone, stewarded by Ngāti Wae Wae and Ngāti Māhaki, who are sub-tribes of a big tribe called Ngāi or Kāi Tahu.

Being a mainlander dominated most of my life before coming to the Fish (North Island) and settling in an ancient podocarp Kauri forest west of Auckland, with my husband Sam (we have been together since I was 16). We are recent empty nesters. This picture is our whānau of 5: husband Sam, Rangatahi Joshua (24), Harry (22), and Raphaela, our baby, turning 20 on the leap day this year.
I teach meditation, quantum energy healing, super manifesting (yes it’s different), and self-hypnosis for deep trauma release. I have deep reverence for all things Universal, Galactic, Sacred, Indigenous and Cosmic.
I was connected to iAwake in October 2023, and it is fair to say, my life and my practice changed forever! I love iAwake. I am the biggest fan of Pam and John and the iAwake Collective and team (especially beautiful Louie, and the lovely Vanessa who I had the privilege to hug in the flesh, just before Christmas, in Auckland).
I practice meditation, and affirmations and self-hypnosis for at least 2 hours per day. I am always reflecting and creating in my heart-mind, especially with Leigh Spusta’s track Deep Delta. But iAwake has taught me to deepen and allow and forgive more than ever. I am becoming familiar with Deep Peace through the epsilon brain waves, and when I need a boost, I turn to gamma or lambda.

Because I have a big ‘Wahanui’ (enthusiastic to share, otherwise known as a “Big Mouth” LOL), I am always encouraging others in my circle to spend time on the iAwake website, YouTube channel, and to purchase my own personal favorite iAwake tracks: Heartwave Meditation (Track 02), Forgetting Not to Remember (Depths of Peace), Infinity (Song of Infinity), and more latterly Alpha Arising (Polaris).
Not one day passes without me listening to an iAwake track with aroha and gratitude.
Why? Because to me life is a sacred embrace of deepening past the everyday stuck and recycled noise, to listen to the Divinity, within and around. iAwake meditations bring me much stillness, joy, peace, greater connectedness, and aroha (love and abundant breath).
In 2024, this year of the Great Wood Dragon, we can all karanga – ‘call’ in – Infinite Abundance. Deep down, I know this Taniwhā has to be tamed, and that starts with the Vortex of 70,000 daily thoughts and feelings in all of us.
Not only do we have a Taniwha year, but the big shift of the abundance planet Jupiter into Gemini (thoughts and communication), along with a number of other positive star and moon cycling, means Wealth and Prospering is a Universal energy for all.
With this Mauri (energy), I’m collaborating to run in-person and online masterminds, retreats, workshops and meditation programs.
I launch my first AudioBook (Super Manifestor) in February, and will be channelling my next book (“Super ManifeStar”- Manifest the Stars in You). My #2 book will re-write the Southern Sky Astrology. FYI, we are opposite seasons – our longest hot summer’s day is your shortest winter day – and our nights are mostly your days. I am called by my Galactic Council to tell the story of our indigenous star-lines in 2024 and this is no small mission.

I also hope to collaborate with iAwake and record a World Peace Call before my guiding Dog Star rises in your Northern Hemisphere night sky!
If any of you are interested to connect – here are all my links –

Happy Taniwha Big Blessings of Infinite Abundance for your families and your ’tribes’ in 2024.
Wheresoever you ride this big burly Taniwha (Dragon Year), may you do so with the Love, Peace, Ease, Happiness, and Wisdom that Glows within You.
Tihei Mauriora (which means Behold Life),

Carmelle Riley is an indigenous entrepreneur turned author and a spirituality teacher from Aotearoa. Her specialist passions are Cosmology, Meditation, Quantum Energy Healing and Super Manifesting.
With the Universal Dragon Year that is 2024, and with Pluto’s once-in-300-years shift to Aquarius, Carmelle is expanding the movement of Super Manifestors: Conscious Leaders who will allow Infinite Abundance to Expand Their Impact.
Carmelle launched her first best-selling book, Super Manifestor: Manifest the Secret in You, in November 2023. She is channelling her second book, Super ManifeSTAR: Manifest the STARS in you for the Dragon Year 2024.
Visit her website: and her Super Manifestor Meditation Course.
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