A Profound Meditation Practitioner On Practice, Zen, and More

John:  Today we’re having something very cool: a dialogue with Profound Meditation practitioner Alexander Leuthold, who is calling from Germany. Alexander, would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself, your background, how you use the Profound Meditation Program, and how that experience has been? Alexander: John, I remember we met in Bremen, in Germany. You gave a…

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Meditation and the Physical Transformation of the Brain: Part III

One of the really important structural changes we see due to long-term meditation occurs in the middle prefrontal areas of the brain. In recent blogs, I have discussed what scientists are learning about the structural changes in the thalamus, the left prefrontal cortex, and the parietal lobe. Here I will discuss the findings regarding the…

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Go Deep, Get Dog: Contemplative Spiritual Practice

A number of years ago when I was working as a therapeutic wilderness guide, a friend of mine, Corey Alexander, told my group and me this story. He said he had been at a Lakota sacred ceremony and afterwards they traditionally have a meal. In the Lakota tradition, dogs are considered sacred food. So, as Corey…

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Meditation and the Physical Transformation of the Brain: Part 1

One of the key structures in the brain that has been found to be physically changed through long-term meditation is the thalamus. Long-term meditation also affects the prefrontal cortex, the parietal lobe, and the middle prefrontal areas, but here I will focus on the changes to the thalamus and their implications. The thalamus is a…

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7 Insights into Obtaining Profound Emotional Freedom

Insight #1: Every emotional experience, including anxiety, has two components: The story which seems to give rise to the emotional experience. The energy behind that experience, the stream of sensation accompanying it. We often get so caught up in the story that is attached to our emotions, that we unwittingly magnify the energy behind such experiences, and in reality…

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Q and A w/ Eric: Part 2 – Am I Cheating When I Use Technology to Assist My Spiritual Growth

This is the second video of a new series in which Eric Thompson, Chief Technical Officer and Creator of the iAwake Technology, answers questions he receives from iAwake practitioners. Here Eric is exploring inner meditation technologies versus outer meditation technologies, such as the Profound Meditation Program. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxKOgDmzsCg What do you think about Eric’s response? Do…

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Taking a Universal Perspective and What We Can Do to Evolve

Why is the whole big picture—everything, the universe—part of our conversation? It’s because we’re evolving the human brain, which means we’re evolving consciousness. I don’t know of anything more important going on right now, because everything else flows from that. There’s not a problem in the world that I can think of offhand that is…

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Emptiness and Fullness by Bill Epperly

There are two essential capacities for awakening: emptiness and fullness. What I mean by emptiness is access to radical emptiness—abiding in the place where self can seemingly dissolve to nothing, where we are in the presence of nothing, and yet have the felt sense of tremendous presence that is pure potential. I want to contrast that with…

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7 Ways to Amplify Biofield Technology

If you have a computer, an MP3 player, or a smartphone, you can actually make biofield technology as powerful as you like by amplifying the transmission of the biofield signal, thereby increasing its “push power.” In fact, even though I have been doing brain entrainment for years and years, experiencing transformation consistently, I have found that I…

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Practicing Meditation to Reach Higher States, Higher Stages

One of the great benefits of brainwave entrainment meditation is that it is one of the only things that has been shown to actually facilitate and speed up the process of moving stably into higher developmental levels. I love it that we can now watch exactly what happens in the brain when someone is practicing…

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