Floating in Space with The Universe is Friendly! with Nadja Lind & John Dupuy

Nadja Lind and John Dupuy Floating in Space in a friendly universe

Nadja Lind, electronic music producer and longtime iAwake brainwave entrainment artist reveals the inspiration and intention behind her latest iAwake masterpiece in conversation with iAwake’s CEO, John Dupuy, and both tell stories of how brainwave entrainment meditation saved their lives, facilitating their healing from PTSD, sleeplessness, and depression. In her search for modalities to heal…

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How Meditation Can Help Healthcare Workers Cope

In this warmhearted conversation with Pam and John Dupuy, co-founders of iAwake, Susanne Rose, a relatively new recruit to iAwake’s technology, talks about her practice, and what meditation does for her. With a job in the healthcare system working with the geriatric population, for Susanne, centering, grounding, and being emotionally available are especially important. Here,…

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Finding Grace in Silence: An iAwake Journey

Finding Grace in Silence

Part II in a series about personal transformation and the beauty of silence, written by Louie Santos, iAwake’s beloved longtime Business Development Director, who resides in Manila in the Philippines. I can barely understand what the woman on the Skype line is telling me. Her husband, who a few minutes ago had been strumming his…

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A Deep Sleep Meditation That Entrains Your Brain

As we are all learning in this age of astounding progress in the field of neuroscience, the brain is capable of being trained and re-trained in ways we previously thought impossible. Now Joseph Kao, a brilliant hypnotherapist from the U.K., has turned his hand to developing a tool — a guided deep sleep meditation — to help people both relax deeply and also…

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How to Survive the Holidays

“To go home to my family was both painful and also very embarrassing to me. It seemed like if you were to walk in, you wouldn’t see me anywhere, because I was just a little tiny water droplet or something. That’s how powerful a hold lifelong interactions can continue to have.” Journey of Integral Recovery…

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Compassion and the Art of Forgiveness in Integral Recovery and Beyond | iAwake Practitioner’s Weekly Coaching Call on April 19, 2017

  John is back with the Integral Recovery Podcast coaching team, Doug Prater, and a special guest for this week, Dr. Bob Weathers. Dr. Bob Weathers has a PhD in Clinical Psychology. He is also a therapist, teacher, writer and a practitioner. In this call, he shared the 9 Different Perspectives on Forgiveness, and grouped…

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How to Awaken Your Innate Vitality, Exuberance, and Grace

Javi:         Welcome, everybody! Joseph Kao is here with us today to talk about Profound Renewal. I’m really happy to be doing this interview, because I was also lucky enough to interview Joseph when he released his previous product, Profound Releasing. First I’m going to read a little from Profound Renewal’s product page:  Profound Renewal:…

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Where Meditation and Working Out Meet: Workout Ecstasy!

John:  I have a very special guest today: Nadja Lind from Berlin, Germany, creator of Workout Ecstasy, iAwake’s latest product. I’ve known Nadja for a long time. I visited her in Berlin three times, maybe more, and always had a great time. Whenever we get together, it centers around meditation and working out. In other…

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What is Emotional Releasing and How Can I Let Go?

 Javi:   Today we are lucky to have with us Joseph Kao, the creator of iAwake’s latest release Profound Releasing. As it says in the description, “It’s a multi-layered, guided meditation with advanced brainwave entrainment technology, designed to help you let go of old, rigid emotional patterns and rediscover your natural spontaneity, energy, and vitality ……

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