How To Fast-Track a State of Pure Awareness

John Dupuy of iAwake Technologies talks with best-selling author Jonathan Robinson (The Technology of Joy, More Love Less Conflict) about how to awaken spiritually and access states of pure awareness. Jonathan is the creator and narrator of the guided meditations on iAwake’s latest release, Shortcuts to Awakening, which gives us the best of both worlds: effective and…

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Cycles of Practice, Developing Intuition, and the Importance of Letting Go | iAwake Practitioner’s Weekly Coaching Call on June 14, 2017

John and Doug talk about iAwake Technologies’ new track developed by Doug Prater himself, Stealing Flow – a tool which can help you become your best self. They also discuss Stealing Fire, the book which was the inspiration for Stealing Flow. John also talks about depression and how to overcome it through finding your path and…

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What is Emotional Releasing and How Can I Let Go?

 Javi:   Today we are lucky to have with us Joseph Kao, the creator of iAwake’s latest release Profound Releasing. As it says in the description, “It’s a multi-layered, guided meditation with advanced brainwave entrainment technology, designed to help you let go of old, rigid emotional patterns and rediscover your natural spontaneity, energy, and vitality ……

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Vaporize Your Performance Anxiety

One of the most common emotional problems we experience revolves around performance anxiety—whether it involves a job interview, a difficult math test, creating a new relationship, or especially public speaking.  Building on the seven important insights into obtaining emotional freedom that I shared with you in my last blog, this time, instead of theorizing about…

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7 Insights into Obtaining Profound Emotional Freedom

Insight #1: Every emotional experience, including anxiety, has two components: The story which seems to give rise to the emotional experience. The energy behind that experience, the stream of sensation accompanying it. We often get so caught up in the story that is attached to our emotions, that we unwittingly magnify the energy behind such experiences, and in reality…

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Hope at the End of the Tunnel

I was recently in the Bay Area to teach a class on Addiction Studies. When my class and I did our first meditation together, we sank into a very deep meditative state, one which we could all really feel. When you meditate in a group, there is a definite field of energy, a palpable coming…

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Your Passion Your Practice

I have been passionately playing electric blues guitar for about two years now. Before that, I spent about forty years playing acoustic rhythm guitar and a little bit of lead. Then two years ago this August, I fell in love with a guitar at a friend’s house. He was selling a vintage guitar―which I bought…

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Space and the Art of Letting Go

In the moment just before the Zen archer releases the arrow to strike the bull’s-eye, all inner static vanishes with the emergence of effortless clarity. Before any action has begun, the martial arts master stands poised in infinite silence, completely centered and ready for anything. Scientific research reveals an interesting neurological phenomenon correlated with inner…

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