On Creating New Stories to Reflect Our Deepest Selves

A lot of us have old messages about who we are and what we can accomplish.

  • “Oh, I’m not smart enough.”
  • “I’m not good enough.”
  • “I certainly can’t do that.”

On Creating New Stories to Reflect Our Deepest Selves

Or whatever. Well, if we buy into these things, they become true.

One of the mysterious things about the brainwave entrainment enhanced meditation practice (we’re not sure how it all works, but we know a bunch of things are happening) is that mindfulness emerges; we get to really see consciously what some of our unconscious programs are, such as, “I’m not smart enough or good enough.” “I don’t deserve success.” “What would I do with success?” All kinds of things. We begin to see these patterns from the place of the witness—the objective but definitely interested observer—and the realization comes, “Wow! What a bummer that message is. No wonder I feel like crap.” This opens up the opportunity to let go of our old narratives and creatively rewrite our stories to be a little more, or a lot more, functional, a lot more inspiring.

Some teachers say, when you get to the point that you don’t have a story anymore, and you’re just present, that a story is no longer needed. I think human beings are storytellers, and that we can’t live in this state of non-story. I think we have to deconstruct our old dysfunctional stories and reconstruct better, newer, more functional stories and keep polishing them as we move along. But I do think we need a story, a myth, a guiding narrative. With practice and dedication, we can work through and release our old traumas and the other things that were causing the contractions and the negative stories, and we can reconstruct beautiful and inspiring stories that more closely reflect our deeper selves.

When we are really at home in ourselves and the different parts of our brains, the right and left hemispheres are more balanced in their functioning and more alive, then I think we have the capacity to be more creative and get beyond our negative messages. In my case, I had a lot of negative stories going on about myself and my capacities, which kept me from doing the things that I really wanted to do. Like I’ve always been in love with reading and always thought that I would like to write, but I thought, “Oh, you’re not smart enough. You’re not this enough. You’re not that enough.” Now that has gone away. Now I’m writing. I am a writer! My music, too, has moved into completely new areas that I felt were beyond my capacities, as in, “Oh, I’m just this; I’m not that.” In my heart of hearts, I really wanted to be that, but didn’t have the confidence in myself. Now, I’ve become that.

So, this is one of the wonderful benefits of the Profound Meditation Program technology: the emergence of higher intelligence. Your brain seems to function better, you can connect the dots, and you can think along different lines and levels. There are different types of intelligence; there’s the linear, analytical kind of intellectual intelligence that adds one and one, and it’s great stuff. It is essential. But, beyond that, what emerges with this practice is what I think they call “vision logic,” where you can see the whole picture. You see everything in one intuitive leap. That is how, apparently, Einstein got relativity. He didn’t work it out on a chalkboard with mathematics, but saw it first and then worked out the math later. So, this is what begins to emerge for us as well.

On Creating New Stories to Reflect Our Deepest SelvesThere are a lot of people in grad school and college, who are using the brainwave entrainment and biofield technologies who are reporting back how effective their studies have become; and not just effective, but more pleasurable, because when you’re writing a paper and you’re in the zone, it’s not a burden. It becomes an inspiring experience of connection and learning as you deepen into the subject you’re writing about or studying. It just keeps revealing itself.

One time, in a conversation with Ken Wilber about writing—and I have always thought the subject of writing was fascinating; even before I was a writer, when I was just a reader, I loved to read about writers—anyway, he said that he did not write books to tell people what he knew, but he wrote books to discover what he didn’t know. I think this is a beautiful way of looking at it. You have the germ of an idea, and then you begin to write, and things begin to reveal themselves to you. It’s extraordinary. The more you look, the more you see. I think there’s just about infinite depth in anything you do, because everything leads us to the “all” if we pursue it with enough depth.

Paintings by Cecilia Rivera de Bueso.


Adapted from iAwake Technologies’ free, weekly teleconference calls on September 26 and October 3, 2012.

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