7 Insights into Obtaining Profound Emotional Freedom

Insight #1: Every emotional experience, including anxiety, has two components: The story which seems to give rise to the emotional experience. The energy behind that experience, the stream of sensation accompanying it. We often get so caught up in the story that is attached to our emotions, that we unwittingly magnify the energy behind such experiences, and in reality…

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Using Our Minds to Change Our Brains

How can we, as meditators, use our attention to direct the flow of energy and information in our brains? In effect, how can we use our minds to change our brains? There are many different types of meditation. One person’s definition of meditation may differ from another’s. We can loosely say that one thing meditation has…

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7 Ways to Amplify Biofield Technology

If you have a computer, an MP3 player, or a smartphone, you can actually make biofield technology as powerful as you like by amplifying the transmission of the biofield signal, thereby increasing its “push power.” In fact, even though I have been doing brain entrainment for years and years, experiencing transformation consistently, I have found that I…

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What Is Biofield Technology?

Biofield technology is based on the idea that every object or physical substance―everything in the universe―emits energy. When two energy fields enter into resonance with one another, this is called the universal language of resonance. What happens is an interchange―as two fields interface, they exchange energy and information. Some of you may be aware of the research…

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