Which audio file format is best?

Some people feel that compressed file formats such as MP3 or M4A are less effective than the bigger WAV files. The whole point of compressed formats is to arrive at a decent version of the original which is not as big in terms of file size (this makes it easier to handle and does not take so much storage space, therefore allowing people to have a whole lot more songs in their playlists). This is typically done by removing frequencies that are beyond certain ranges deemed dispensable (very high and very low) assuming that most systems won’t really show those differences and most ears won’t really notice either.

The compressed formats (MP3 and M4A) do not compromise the effectiveness of the entrainment and are preferred if the device you are playing back the files on has a small storage capacity. These files are always compressed versions of the original, high quality WAV files. However, both the MP3 and M4A files are sufficient and are powerful in entrainment just as the WAV files are (both for our brainwave and biofield entrainment technologies).

Some people might prefer the “full range” experience that uncompressed audio tends to deliver compared to compressed formats, so if you want the absolute best sound quality go for the WAV files or the CDs. This is especially true for audiophiles, but it pertains more to the aesthetic experience of sound than to its capacity to deliver results in this case. So, if you are not one of them, I’d stick to the MP3 files which are smaller and much easier to handle.

There is one other issue to consider. It has been reported that MP3 files are more tiring for the listener. Since we recommend using iAwake tracks for extended periods of time, it may be best to use WAV files for extended meditation use – like PMP3. You might consider having a dedicated MP3 player for your meditation tracks. This can also signal your psyche that this is practice time – and may decrease distractions if you use an iPhone, etc.