iAwake App Best Practices

  1. Make sure all the tracks you’ve purchases are on the app. If there are some missing, perhaps you used a different email to purchase some, or acquired them in some other way. Contact support@iawaketechnologies.com for help.
  2. Download into the app all the ones you know you want to listen to – or all of them if you have plenty of memory. You can download and “undownload” easily – the download icon and cloud icon on the track tell you what’s downloaded and what is not.
  3. When listening it’s best to listen to downloaded versions when possible, rather than streaming, as the experience will be more reliable.
  4. Create playlists for when you want to meditate, relax, work, study, exercise. You can learn more about playlists here.
  5. Try looping a track or a program or a playlist. Looping instructions here.
  6. More to come : )