iAwake Biofield Research – Study 2

This research was conducted by Lisa Tully, Ph.D., of the Energy Medicine Research Instutute: http://www.energymedicineri.com/.


  1. The Heart-Wave CD was played.
  2. Biofield pictures were captured before and after using the Gas Discharge Visualization camera.
  3. Heart coherence was also captured before and after, using the EmWave.


A human clinical study examined the HeartWave Meditation CD, produced by iAwake Technology, for improving the biofield and heart coherence. Results show that listening to the Heartwave Meditation significantly improves the area and symmetry of the biofield, organ system function, chakra balance and heart coherence. Furthermore, these effects were observed within minutes.

To read/download the study: HeartWave-GDV-HRV-Study.



Before and After GDV images of the human biofield: HeartWave Meditation.