Leslie Hershberger
Leslie Hershberger has been working with the 3 centered Enneagram for over 20 years as a consultant, master teacher, coach, spiritual guide, facilitator, and mentor. She’s certified in the Narrative Tradition, certified in the Enneagram in Business, has served as a mentor for students and teachers in training, keynoted at conferences, has served on the board of the International Enneagram Association, and was an editor of Nine Points Magazine.
Her expertise has come from over 20 years of boots-on-the-ground work with real people in countless settings: universities, businesses, schools, churches, non-profits, recovery communities, and hospitals.
She learned the Enneagram in 1998 and after her first workshop, she decided to make it the primary focus of her life’s work. Leslie went on to get a Master’s in Theology and focused primarily on the Christian contemplative traditions and Buddhism.
She started Enneagram programming in Cincinnati, Ohio, and continues to teach and facilitate Enneagram and personal/spiritual growth groups.
In 2004, she discovered the work of Ken Wilber and trained in Integral Theory, and eventually developed two online courses for Integral Life. She became the Enneagram expert for Integral Recovery with John Dupuy, CEO of iAwake Technologies and author of Integral Recovery. Leslie believes the best teachers are those who continue their own inner work in communities of practitioners.
Leslie lives on five quiet acres in Loveland, Ohio with her husband Dave who is in the travel business. They have three wonderful children and three grandchildren.