Companionship with Meditation – 4.17.13

In this teleseminar, John Dupuy gives us a suggestion of doing our meditation practice with a group. He talks about how his own weekly meditation group was formed and the benefits of a group meditation.

Some questions in this teleseminar include:

  • “Which track would you recommend for jogging?”
  • “Any tracks recommended in particular for opening the heart chakra?””Can you give me some recommendations on headphones?”

Some announcements in this teleseminar include:

  • Sleeping Heart, initially released only as a bonus on other iAwake Technology tracks, can now be downloaded individually on the website (click here).
  • Spanish translation of the website and the manuals will be available soon.
  • A new website is currently being developed directed toward people who are less into meditation and spirituality but are more into life optimization and increasing cognitive functioning.


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