Turning In ~ Ambient Meditations
...ease into deep states of relaxation, destressing to the slow drumbeats and nature sounds embedded with binaural frequencies... from Deep Dub composer, Nadja Lind
These two Turning In tracks, Ho’oponopono and Thunderbird, are designed to gently guide you into states of deep relaxation, emotional release and inner peace, achieved through underlying binaural frequencies – frequencies designed to physically stimulate the human mind. This helps your body to naturally release its own destressing hormones, allowing you to breathe deeper, help your physical and spiritual body to rebalance and to recover quickly from the rigors of everyday life.
It was lush, crisp and sonically unique. All the tracks had tremendous aesthetic depth, and that in and of itself added depth to my meditation. ~ Joe Kao
Listen to the 5-Minute Sample Now
Headphones are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes and relax for the next 5 minutes. Allow the music soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just beautiful music – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response.
How do the binaural Turning In soundscapes help do this? They assist you by:
- deepening your breathing
- relaxing your body and mind
- stabilizing your immune system
- energizing your body after training, at work or during breaks
- increasing creativity
- deepening & enhancing your yoga/meditation practice
- releasing fatigue
- helping you tap into your inner joy

Additional Info
Track Details
01 Ho’oponopono (38 minutes)
From the Hawaiian tradition of reconciliation and forgiveness
Soundtrack was recorded in the beautiful and acoustically stunning Berlin Dome.
The Ho’oponopono track also includes Nadja’s voice occasionally and softly saying, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”
From Nadja Lind, Creator of Turning In:
I am a HUGE FAN of Ho’oponopono – when I heard the story about Dr. I. Hew Len and how he practices Ho’oponopono I’ve trained myself every day for many years until I had Ho’op. on ‘automatic’ in my unconscious.
I thought it might be valuable for other people, too. So I made this sound wave and recorded myself saying the Ho’oponopono sentences
“I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.”
From Jason Fulgham, Beta Tester:
Wow! What a cool way to experience this meditation technology. The Ho’oponopono soundtrack is a profound way to experience the Hawaiian spiritual tradition. Felt an increased ability to forgive those that have angered me and caused me pain. After listening, the mantra will stay with you and you will find yourself repeating it long after the headphones come off: “I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.”
02 Thunderbird (40 minutes)
What is truly unique about Turning In is the ambient rhythmic quality that Nadja infuses into her binaural work. The night sounds of bats, cicadas, and birds on the Thunderbird track were recorded while Nadja was on safari in Kenya.
The thunderstorm sounds were field recorded in Berlin.
The audio track begins with wind and thunderstorm and merges into a deep, sonorous drumming, with African night sounds, accompanying.
Perfect stuff… Thunderstorm is a really nice transition from the previous track, the spacious nature of it slowed my breathing, and the warm synth hits carry it perfectly. Great work!
~ Charlie Howell
Full package includes:
- 2 tracks (77 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
Play Turning In when you want to de-stress, re-energize, recover from jet lag, do yoga or meditation, or want to experience deep relaxation.
Headphones are required for optimal effect because of the binaural frequencies.
Target Brainwaves
Theta 5Hz
Nadja uses oscillators rather than a binaural beat application to create entrainment effects.
All drone waves are made from many different layers + separate filters on top.

Nadja Lind, creator of some of iAwake’s most intriguing and distinctive tracks, such as In Nature, A Ticket to Glide (In the Flow), The Universe is Friendly!, Kismet, Re-enchantment, Heaven and Earth, Refuge, BE, Theta Joy, Strong Medicine, Purrfound Meditation, Turning In Ambient Meditations, and Workout Ecstasy Volumes I and II, has a passion for recording ambient sounds and developing binaural beat ambient meditations.
Developed initially to support her own healing process, Nadja’s friends and colleagues enthusiastically requested more drone waves with the certain Nadja touch.
After 17 years of calling Berlin her homebase, Nadja now lives in the south of the “Black Forest” in Germany. She has had a globetrotting DJ career since 2003, been a sound designer and producer of electronic music since 2004, both solo and as one half of the live duo “KLARTRAUM,” and is co-owner of the Lucidflow imprint among other labels. Nadja is also a certified specialist in Pain Relief Therapy, Osteo Pressure & Fascia Yoga, and is a certified Yoga Trainer.
Nadja’s personal development and spiritual evolution led her to Ken Wilber’s AQAL map and the idea of “Integral” many years ago, which was the catalyst for starting her own brainwave entrainment meditation series, Turning In.
Nadja was trained in Sadhguru’s “Inner Engineering & Shambhavi Mahamudra” at the Isha Foundation, and has been practicing on a daily basis since October 2017. She works out approximately 4 times a week at the gym, and since 2018 additionally is to find on the mat doing Ashtanga-inspired Vinyasa yoga several times a week as well as hiking in the mountains. During her sessions, Nadja likes to use entrainment + beats.
Nadja has also trained in hypnosis, “Liebscher & Bracht” pain specialist and massage therapy, and is a vigorous practitioner of Voice Dialogue (Hal & Sidra Stone), Quantum Psychology (Stephen Wolinsky), Ho’oponopono (Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len), and Dr. Joe Dispenza’s workshops, and has been meditating on a daily basis for many years.
I really felt an instant connection to previous emotional patterns I have previously not seen or forgotten about. Upheaval and also a connection to repressed emotions. I was surprised actually at the effectiveness these two tracks have when uncovering held emotions. Very very useful. ~ Corey Brooks
For me it’s struck a balance, and hence has a certain versatility, which makes it stand out from my usual choice of entrainment. Turning In: Ambient Meditation really slows down the pace and brings me to a place of deep peace, and I enjoy the chilled out vibes too. ~ Jamie Basil