Rainstorm Sleepwave
Psychoacoustic soundscape to fall asleep, stay asleep, and awaken refreshed
Sleep is a miracle medicine – biology’s best attempt at immortality.
Rainstorm Sleepwave blends an artfully engineered psychoacoustic soundscape with iAwake’s signature, cutting-edge brainwave entrainment technology to ease your brain from wakeful consciousness into the delta-wave pattern of restorative, deep sleep. This powerful program will help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and awaken rejuvenated in mind, body, and soul.
Listening to this program deepened my sleep and cut my wake-ups in half. ~ Abigail
Listen to the 3-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes, and relax for the next 3 minutes. Allow the ambient music soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just beautiful music – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response.
Rainstorm Sleepwave can help you to:
- fall asleep more quickly
- sleep more deeply
- feel relaxed and refreshed
- wake up feeling energized
- fall back to sleep if you wake up in the night
- take a rejuvenating nap
- unwind from a long day
- optimize sleep quality
Matt Walker | TED2019 Sleep is your superpower [19:19]

Additional Info
Track Details
One track (60 minutes)
01 Rainstorm Sleepwave
Bonus track available for digital download only (20 minutes)
02 Delta-Wave Deep Sleep (loopable)
Full package includes:
- 1 track (60 minutes)
- Bonus digital track (loopable, 20 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
Sleep is a miracle medicine – biology’s best attempt at immortality.
Sleep affects nearly every dimension of our health and well-being, but few of us in the 21st century experience the quality and quantity of sleep we need to thrive. Difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep create a vicious cycle that negatively impacts our health, our performance, our mental abilities, our emotional lives, and our relationships.
Getting a sufficient amount of high-quality sleep has been linked with an astonishing list of benefits for a dramatic, full-spectrum improvement in quality of life. From physical rejuvenation to longevity, from athletic performance to sexual health, from increased immunity to emotional well-being, from improved learning and mental performance to increases in creative capacity, optimizing the quality and quantity of our sleep is nature’s miracle cure.
Rainstorm Sleepwave blends an artfully engineered, relaxing psychoacoustic soundscape with iAwake’s powerful, cutting-edge brainwave entrainment technology to guide you from normal waking consciousness into the deeply restorative pattern of delta-wave deep sleep, in just the right way, at just the right time, even when sleeping on your side without headphones.
When you fall asleep, stay asleep, and awaken rejuvenated in mind, body, and soul, you enable yourself to thrive and experience life as you were meant to, greeting each new day with vitality and a deep sense of well-being.
Optimizing the quantity and quality of your sleep has been shown to:
- Repair your body at a cellular level
- Balance and optimize hormone production
- Reduce appetite and food cravings
- Improve focus, willpower, concentration, creativity, and productivity
- Enable peak performance
- Enhance muscle growth and athletic performance
- Improve learning and memory consolidation
- Reduce the risk of disease
- Enhance emotional regulation
- Improve immune function and resilience to stress
- Regulate metabolism and reduce instances of diabetes
- Reduce inflammation and cell damage
- Reduce anxiety and depression
- Impact skin rejuvenation and elasticity
- Improve complex problem-solving capacity
- Boost energy and stamina
The Story of the Development of Rainstorm Sleepwave from the creator, Douglas Prater
I’ve always been fascinated by the research, both scientific and anecdotal, on states of consciousness and the roles they play in our lives. When it comes to my personal life, my level of emotional well-being, my ability to perform physically and mentally, and my ability to manage the myriad stressors of day-to-day life, I’ve found that no single variable makes a bigger difference in my quality of life than sleep.
Getting enough sleep, though, hasn’t always been easy for me. And at times, in spite of the many practices I engage to optimize my wellness, falling asleep is still a challenge. Others close to me have also faced the challenge of waking in the middle of the night and struggling to get back to sleep. And I’ve observed the difference that a full night of high-quality sleep can make in their lives, too.
In my quest to sleep better, I’ve explored a number of tools and techniques, but I’ve always found brainwave entrainment to be among the most powerful tools we have at our disposal. When it comes to sleep, though – such a critical component of functioning at our best – I found the existing brainwave entrainment programs left a lot to be desired.
Sleep is a very personal thing. We all have specific preferences about our sleep positions and levels of comfort. Not everyone is capable of sleeping with a pair of earbuds in their ears. And even if you can sleep wearing earbuds, sometimes a thought or an emotion or an external sound catches our attention and lifts our brain waves up from their normal descent into slumber. And what about the natural length of time it takes a wakeful brain to move through the early stages of relaxation and light sleep before entering the delta pattern of deep sleep?
With Rainstorm Sleepwave, I set out to solve these problems. I wanted to create a tool that powerfully affected brain waves, calmed the limbic system, allowed the mind to naturally disengage from wakefulness, followed the natural timeline of descent into deep sleep, accommodated the natural breaks and peaks that occur during the drifting process, and allowed listeners to sleep in the optimal position for their comfort and relaxation.
After a great deal of personal research and experimentation, testing the results on myself, my family, and my friends, and also going through iAwake’s thorough quality control alpha and beta testing process, I believe I’ve achieved the goal of creating a program that will be a genuinely helpful solution to the sleep problems that plague so many. Using Rainstorm Sleepwave has helped me get deeply rejuvenating sleep that has profoundly improved my quality of life. Being well-rested, performing in mind, body, and spirit as I was meant to, has made all the difference in the world. I hope it will do the same for you.
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email, and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
From the creator, Doug Prater:
As soon as you push the play button, the spacious rain sounds, open bell tones, light wind, and gently rolling thunder begin working together to guide you into the easy, relaxed state of the alpha brainwave pattern, then slowly descends, over the course of the next thirty minutes, into the delta brainwave pattern of deep, restorative sleep.
Each of the sound patterns works in harmony with the others in a complex, multi-layered symphony of natural ambiance and aural color, sending a message deep into your psyche that it’s safe to relax and let go. As the various layers and tones rise, fall, and weave into one another, you’ll find your attention beginning to soften as it drifts from one layer to the next in the natural way that precedes the early stages of sleep.
The descent into sleep rarely happens in a perfectly linear fashion. Thoughts, ideas, images, and more roll into and out of awareness, and our brainwave patterns naturally oscillate and vary accordingly. Rainstorm Sleepwave was designed to mimic this natural tendency. The brainwave frequencies targeted by the soundtrack periodically rise slightly to catch and re-center your brainwave pattern before continuing along the slow curve into the delta state. The effect is a smooth and natural return to drifting back to sleep when and if you need it.
As you get closer to sleep, the rate of brainwave slowing decreases in concert with the natural length of time your relaxing mind spends in each of the various pre-sleep stages, lingering for a particularly lengthy spell in the theta range before the final descent into delta waves, allowing you to work with hypnogogic imagery and experience the subtle realms of consciousness before sleep takes hold, should you feel so inclined. And then, easy as the gentle patter of the rain, you’ll experience the deep, rejuvenating sleep that will leave you feeling refreshed, restored, and ready for a new day.
Rainstorm Sleepwave combines a number of powerful brainwave entrainment and psychoacoustic methods, along with an optimized descent and re-engagement curve (alpha > theta > delta), to guide listeners into a relaxed state of sleep in a powerful and versatile way that accommodates a wide variety of sleep positions and listening preferences.
The technologies in the Rainstorm Sleepwave program are effective even when played without headphones (includes isochronic) and/or when sleeping on your side.

Douglas Prater is an author, meditator, fitness enthusiast, and musician who holds a degree in Music: Sound Recording Technology from Texas State University. Born and raised in Littleton, Colorado, Doug also spent significant periods of his life in Austin, TX, and Atlanta, GA. Always longing to return to the mountains, he now lives in the Smoky Mountains of western North Carolina.
Doug has composed and engineered brainwave entrainment audio tracks since 2010 for meditation, creative pursuits, and the attainment of peak performance flow states. He is the developer of Rainstorm Sleepwave, Infinity, Stealing Flow+, Stealing Flow – Power Nap, the technology and soundtrack for The Near Death Experience: Waking Up to Life, and the technology for The Freedom of Forgiveness. He is also the producer, webmaster, and project manager of the Journey of Integral Recovery podcast. Doug is the author of the forthcoming book The Dharma of Harry Potter: A Muggle’s Guide to Buddhism (and a large catalog of fiction written under a handful of pseudonyms that he won’t tell us… we suspect he writes romance novels).
I especially like being able to turn it on when I wake up in the middle of the night to prompt me to go back to sleep, which it seems to do within minutes. It takes the stress off waking up in the middle of the night, and is like a meditation moment before going right back to sleep. I felt like I was going to sleep under protective trees in a rainstorm. I woke up as refreshed as if I had slept through the night. ~ Cynthia Young, M.A. Educational Systems Development
Rainstorm Sleepwave is beautiful to listen to, with the cascading rain, soothing ambient background sound, and occasional thunder. I thoroughly enjoyed using it to drift off to sleep. I slept extremely deeply the whole night through (instead of waking up several times per night) and woke up refreshed. On the mornings after I used Rainstorm Sleepwave, I didn’t even need my usual cup of strong morning coffee!! ~ Lisa Celentano, MA, LMHCA, MHP