Stealing Flow Power Nap
Power Napping for increased energy, focus, and creativity.
The daily practice of napping with the Power Nap track is deceptively simple, but it has the power to profoundly transform your life and your work.
Listen to the 1-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes and relax for the next minute.
Allow the ambient music/nature soundtrack to guide you to deeply relax.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just chill audio – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes deep relaxation.
Power Nap can help you in:
- Restoring alertness
- Enhancing performance
- Reducing mistakes and accidents
- Improving memory consolidation and retention
- Reducing stress
- Boosting physical and mental energy
- Generating ideas and restoring creativity
- Improving productivity
- Overcoming jet lag
- Strengthening the immune system
- Restoring your neurotransmitter balance
- Improving cardiovascular health
- Reducing unhealthy cravings and restore your willpower

Additional Info
Track Details
01 Power Nap (25:00 minutes)
This track begins at Alpha 12 Hz, ramps down optimally to Delta 3.5 Hz, and then more slowly to Delta 1.0 Hz, for a deeply relaxing power nap. The final two minutes guide the listener back into a relaxed and rejuvenated 10 Hz Alpha.
Full package includes:
- 1 track* (25:00 minutes)
- Track accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
*Available in Digital only.
The Story of the Development of Stealing Flow Power Nap from the creator, Douglas Prater
After reading Sarah Mednick and Mark Ehrman’s excellent book “Take a Nap! Change your Life.” I was inspired to add the practice of an afternoon nap to my daily schedule. The scientific research behind the myriad benefits of napping is solid, and the benefits are numerous and profound.
In Western culture, in particular, there’s still a cultural stigma around napping. I had some resistance, at first, to actually taking time away from my desk to “indulge” in a nap. I quickly discovered that napping wasn’t lazy at all… it was, like the research showed, a powerful life hack for many dimensions of productivity and well-being.
Give it up for the down state — sleep | Sara Mednick | TEDxUCRSalon (17:44)
I discovered that no matter how busy I was, or how much I had on my to-do list, napping didn’t “waste time that I could have been working”. Quite the opposite. Napping for 25 minutes made me more productive, more creative, less stressed, and happier. I’m a convert, for sure, and I knew that a Power Nap track would make a perfect addition to the Stealing Flow suite.
Since many people, myself included, can struggle to let go and quickly fall asleep in the afternoon, the Stealing Flow Power Nap track was designed with an incredibly potent entrainment protocol to make the transition from wakeful engagement to rejuvenating sleep an easy and rewarding one.
The daily practice of napping with the Power Nap track is deceptively simple, but it has the power to profoundly transform your life and your work. It certainly did for me.
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email, and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
Use Power Nap :
- To recharge after a Stealing Flow pomodoro work block
- Before a test, meeting, speech, performance, date, or sporting event
- To overcome the “afternoon slump”
- To let your subconscious provide creative solutions
- After class or a period of focused studying
- To proactively prepare for a late night
- After practicing a musical instrument, sport, or skill
- Any time you feel physically or mentally fatigued
Stealing Flow Power Nap is a 25-minute track which begins at Alpha 12 Hz, ramps down optimally to Delta 3.5 Hz, and then more slowly to Delta 1.0 Hz, for a deeply relaxing power nap. The final two minutes guide the listener back into a relaxed and rejuvenated 10 Hz Alpha.
Stealing Flow tracks combine multiple entrainment modalities, which work together to enhance its effectiveness.
- Harmonically Layered Binaural Encoding – Multiple layers of binaural entrainment at harmonically related frequencies
- Frequency-filtered Isochronic Pulses for a powerful, but pleasant entrainment effect.
- Comprehensive Spatial Binaural Encoding of natural sounds for a complete entrainment experience
- Psychoacoustic Resonance in the overtones of the musical bed to promote a natural state of well-being
- Monaural Beats created by the layering of musical patterns at the lower end of the frequency spectrum
- Generous use of “Perfect Fifths” at the Golden Mean Ratio for balance, wholeness, and harmony.

Douglas Prater is an author, meditator, fitness enthusiast, and musician who holds a degree in Music: Sound Recording Technology from Texas State University. Born and raised in Littleton, Colorado, Doug also spent significant periods of his life in Austin, TX, and Atlanta, GA. Always longing to return to the mountains, he now lives in the Smoky Mountains of western North Carolina.
Doug has composed and engineered brainwave entrainment audio tracks since 2010 for meditation, creative pursuits, and the attainment of peak performance flow states. He is the developer of Rainstorm Sleepwave, Infinity, Stealing Flow+, Stealing Flow – Power Nap, the technology and soundtrack for The Near Death Experience: Waking Up to Life, and the technology for The Freedom of Forgiveness. He is also the producer, webmaster, and project manager of the Journey of Integral Recovery podcast. Doug is the author of the forthcoming book The Dharma of Harry Potter: A Muggle’s Guide to Buddhism (and a large catalog of fiction written under a handful of pseudonyms that he won’t tell us… we suspect he writes romance novels).
My hope is that by continuously using Power Nap, it will allow me to go deeper and rekindle my relationship with sleep again. ~ Louie
Love Power Nap!
I just listened to Power Nap after lunch as a rest. It was perfect! I loved feeling like there was a babbling brook over my head (I was out in the lounge chair in the sun) and loved the other parallel sounds, which were effective at keeping most of my thoughts at bay. Two thirds through I thought, I don’t want this to ever end, because I was so relaxed and it felt so good. And then in the last few minutes, when the speed picks up and whatever else, I felt myself energized and ready to go again. Perfectly perfect! ~ Heidi