Hu Grace
Contemplative Voices for the Inner Journey
Poignant vocal harmonies, infused with iAwake’s signature brainwave entrainment, provide a beautiful support for inner journeying. Connect with the deepest, truest you and realize you are not alone — that you are everything…loved, accepted, protected, complete.
These tracks brought me a sense of immediate peace. ~ E.Z.
Listen to the 3-Minute Samples Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience, but are not required.
To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes, and relax for the next several minutes. Allow the ambient music soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just beautiful music – it is the design and technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the deep relaxation response.
Hu Grace supports you in:
- feeling a sense of wholeness and connection
- feeling loved and cared for
- relieving anxiety and stress
- staying with your emotions, letting them come without reacting to them
- letting go of performance anxiety
- being okay with what IS on a deep level, making it easier to see the next necessary step
WOW! Sublime beauty. Field of grace. Harmony with all that is. In unity. Exquisite tenderness and bliss-charged love.
~ Vanessa Hardy
Samuel Törnqvist's Inspiration for Creating iAwake's Hu Grace [01:40]

Additional Info
Track Details
Three 20-minute tracks (for a total of 60 minutes)
02 Journeying (20 minutes) entrains to theta brain waves (5.5 Hz)
03 Arriving (20 minutes) entrains to delta brain waves (3 Hz)
Full package includes:
- 3 tracks (20 minutes each for a total of 60 minutes) of entrainment-encoded music
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3 and WAV formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
About Hu Grace
We can often feel life is a serious burden.
We feel we have to “do it all ourselves,” that we have to “save the world,” “stop climate change now,” “care for all the refugees”… and not only that but also be a better parent, heal ourselves of all our ailments, have no shadows and meditate and exercise two hours a day. Even though these are good and noble intentions that are useful, we have a tendency to take on too much pressure and blame ourselves for not being able to do it all. It often creates more conflict and stress as we push ourselves. This may stem partially from our not accepting ourselves, a deep feeling that something is broken in us.
This program helps us get to that space of acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, and care — for ourselves and for one another… to see the divine everywhere and in everyone.
Hu Grace was inspired by the practice of chanting Hu — the secret name of our absolute nature — that often has a powerful heart-opening effect on all who chant together. Hu chanting creates an experience of unity and wholeness.
Samuel Törnqvist’s Inspiration for Creating iAwake’s Hu Grace
I was once part of a very interesting group, the Diamond Approach, where among many great practices was a chanting practice they called the “huu-chant.” The idea is very simple: everybody sings “huu” on any note they prefer. This idea, with no specific rules apart from singing “huu,” created one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever experienced in my life.
As a composer, I often strive for “music with less limitations.” I think most composers do, in fact. We look for “free flowing” music in the moment. This is no easy task, and in many ways actually quite contradictory when you think about it. I think the wish is to experience “free music” that we can listen to without knowing what it is, and so, feel surprised and fresh, like life is new and alive. Interestingly enough, many composers are discovering that very specific limitations often create more of the free evolving music they were after. Minimalism is one example.
Nevertheless, doing this chant was one of the first times I truly felt music just coming out, without me being able to predict it, and my heart burst open. Being a 5 on the Enneagram, that is saying something.
Every time I have done this practice, it has had similar results on both me and the participants. I have even tried it with groups who were not part of the Diamond Approach, and often they say the same thing.
So naturally, I wanted to see if I could recreate this feeling myself as a composer. The best would be to actually find a big space and invite a bunch of people and start recording. Perhaps I will some day, but at the moment it was too cumbersome and expensive to do so (not to mention finding enough people with the right mindset), so I decided to try it myself with my own voice. I figured with today’s technology it should be possible.
Since I am singing all of it by myself, the randomness of course disappears somewhat; I had to have a plan so that I knew what I was doing and where I was going. But within those limits, I could still be quite free. (If you want to improvise dance, you still need a floor to dance on, as I like to say.) The benefit was that I could “create music” and also form it in a way that seemed appropriate to me. It is absolutely great to chant “huu” and let it take you wherever it wants to go, but I believe that sometimes having a program that gently guides you in a specific way is also helpful. Now, the guidance is very subtle and shouldn’t interfere with where you want to go. But let’s just say the guidance is about going deeper, like what the entrainment does.
The voices you hear in the tracks are all my voices, and I want to stress that the voices have not been manipulated. (You will, of course, hear the entrainment which affects the sound somewhat).
It took longer to create these tracks than I thought it would. Each track is 20 minutes long, and some tracks have more than 16 parts — all of which I had to sing. I tried many ideas before I arrived at the version we have today. In the end it is not so much a “huu” chant as I originally intended, but rather a creation of its own. Something else came out of this project that has the spirit of “huu”-chanting, but is also something else, something new. Slowly the idea flowered into what this is really about for me, and I hope that is being transmitted to you.
I still encourage you to try “huu”-chanting one day if you can.
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
Hu Grace can be used to:
- enhance meditation
- chant along with to deepen experience
- go on a mini retreat
- support a yoga nidra practice
- shift into creative/visioning mode (track 2 targets theta)
- prepare for a performance (especially with track 1 – targets alpha)
- support your prayer practice
- access flow states while you work (track 1 – alpha)
As you listen to the tracks, open up to what you are:
all your problems, concerns, worries, shoulds, and tasks, and just let them be for a while.
Hu Grace – Love and Acceptance and Grace [01:15]
Take a few moments to be okay with all as it is. Let yourself be held in support, care, love, and compassion by yourself and also by the spiritual world.
Imagine the spiritual world singing to you, as you let go, rest, open your heart, sense your body, and allow your emotions to be.
Use this as a yoga nidra – lie down and allow a feeling of safety… center your awareness on your heart, perhaps sing/chant with Hu Grace.
Track 1, Welcoming, starts with welcoming you and tells you that you are safe and cared for. That you are not alone.
Track 2, Journeying, then gently guides you deeper, letting you take your time, but not letting you lose hope, or be on your own.
Lastly, Track 3, Arriving, lets you come home to yourself, and also allows you to explore that (perhaps) new feeling. It encourages you to expand from there, perhaps seeing things you have not seen before, perhaps even inviting more of yourself as you are.
This openness to what is, to what you are, and the realization that you have a lot of love and support available, allows you to tackle the world from a wiser and more grounded self, seeing what is actually important, and how you can contribute.
Brainwave Focus
01 Welcoming (20 minutes) entrains to alpha brain waves (9 Hz)
02 Journeying (20 minutes) entrains to theta brain waves (5.5 Hz)
03 Arriving (20 minutes) entrains to delta brain waves (3 Hz)
The human voice contains a rich and complex palette of overtones which, on a primal, instinctual level, facilitate a sense of connection, belonging, and unity. The frequency signature nourishes the soul.
And though most popular music also contains prominent vocal elements, the resonant nature of elongated vowel sounds in Hu Grace, sounding in consonant intervals and carefully arranged for a deliberate practice of contemplative depth, facilitates a powerful engagement into deep altered states of consciousness.
The state-altering potential of Hu Grace’s rich vocal resonance has been further enhanced and amplified by the addition of iAwake Technologies and Douglas Prater’s signature blend of brainwave entrainment techniques.
All three Hu Grace tracks were created by Samuel recording his own voice several times (up to 16 at a time) and applying reverb to create the sensation of standing in a huge cathedral.

Samuel Törnqvist creates emotive and inspirational music, focusing mostly on orchestral and acoustic music. Born in Sweden, Sam has lived and traveled in many parts of the world and experienced many cultures. All this is clearly felt and heard in his multi-faceted artistry, musical knowledge, and talent. Sam has composed and produced music and sound for film, theater, dance companies, advertising, and musical theater. You can find out more about Sam on his website, and at

Douglas Prater is an author, meditator, fitness enthusiast, and musician who holds a degree in Music: Sound Recording Technology from Texas State University. Born and raised in Littleton, Colorado, Doug also spent significant periods of his life in Austin, TX, and Atlanta, GA. Always longing to return to the mountains, he now lives in the Smoky Mountains of western North Carolina.
Doug has composed and engineered brainwave entrainment audio tracks since 2010 for meditation, creative pursuits, and the attainment of peak performance flow states. He is the developer of Rainstorm Sleepwave, Infinity, Stealing Flow+, Stealing Flow – Power Nap, the technology and soundtrack for The Near Death Experience: Waking Up to Life, and the technology for The Freedom of Forgiveness. He is also the producer, webmaster, and project manager of the Journey of Integral Recovery podcast. Doug is the author of the forthcoming book The Dharma of Harry Potter: A Muggle’s Guide to Buddhism (and a large catalog of fiction written under a handful of pseudonyms that he won’t tell us… we suspect he writes romance novels).
A great way for advanced meditators to get into the now. ~ James Lewis
The tracks open a huge space in my head and my heart to listen carefully to my soul. ~ Sina