“Highest recommendations! This is up there with the very best if not the very pinnacle of [iAwake] products.” – Brian Romine
“I truly enjoyed working with these tracks. Very informative and insightful. Many aha moments. I recognized so much of myself in these tracks, as well as my children. It was easy to listen to and carried the message on each Enneagram type very well. A resourceful pleasure to work with.” – Cynthia
Enneagram Meditations
Deepening into Presence
An immersive, 9-part Enneagram program with an explanation and 9 guided meditations led by Enneagram expert Leslie Hershberger, with brainwave entrainment music to help deepen the transformative guided meditation experience. A beautiful combination of technological wizardry, psychological knowledge, and spiritual wisdom, infused with compassion and inspiration.
- Experience a transformational Enneagram journey
- Achieve a deeper understanding of yourself and others
- Move to a deep, grounded, and centered place inside
“Beautifully integrated; a journey of self-discovery in how we relate to ourselves, others, and the Sea of Awareness.” – Meg Switzable
Introductory Offer!20% OFF Until February 13, 2025 Only!
Listen to the 3-Minute Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience. To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes, and relax for the next 3 minutes. Allow the guided meditation to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just beautiful music and guidance – it is the brainwave entrainment technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the powerful response.
Enneagram Meditations will help you to:
- Identify Enneagram type-related obstacles to expansive, open presence
- Observe and soften automatic type-related reactivity
- Develop head, heart, and body awareness in working with your type
- Access the relaxation response when under pressure
- Gain insight and compassion for the unique suffering of each of the types
- Learn to increase the power of your personal gifts
- Transform your weaknesses into strengths
- Soften your surface habitual responses to open to deeper realization
- Move beyond shallow, cookie-cutter approaches to understanding human personality
- Communicate more wisely
- Connect with the you that is deeper and more than your ego self

Additional Info
Full package includes:
- 19 tracks (for a total of 3 hours 13 minutes)
- Leslie Hershberger’s Enneagram Guide: The Centers Approach
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake® Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3, WAV, FLAC, and ALAC formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Additional links/resources for identifying your type
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
Track Details
Enneagram Introduction [16:41 minutes]
Type 1 (The Perfectionist) – [16:15 minutes]
The Perfectionist is an honest, responsible, improvement-oriented personality with a strong belief that perfect/good people are worthy.
Type 2 (The Giver) – [13:19 minutes]
The Giver is a helpful, caring, relationship-oriented personality with a strong belief that being connected with others depends on giving in order to get their needs met.
Type 3 (The Performer) – [13:37 minutes]
The Performer is energetic, adaptable, and an achievement-oriented personality with a strong belief that connection and recognition are only for winners.
Type 4 (The Romantic) – [13:07 minutes]
The Romantic is a creative, empathic, idealistic personality with a strong belief that others enjoy the happiness that they have been denied.
Type 5 (The Observer) – [14:49 minutes]
The Observer is a knowledgeable, analytical, self-reliant personality with a strong belief that respect is gained by practicing self-sufficiency.
Type 6 (The Loyal Skeptic) – [15:46 minutes]
The Loyal Skeptic is a perceptive, loyal, attentive personality with a strong belief that certainty and protection are gained by vigilance and endurance.
Type 7 (The Epicure) – [14:18 minutes]
The Epicure is an optimistic, fun-loving, and positive visioning personality with a strong belief that frustration and pain can be avoided by reframing and shifting attention to imagining positive options and plans.
Type 8 (The Protector) – [14:09 minutes]
The Protector is a bold, assertive, action-oriented personality with a strong belief that vulnerability can be avoided by being strong and powerful.
Type 9 (The Mediator) – [13:12 minutes]
The Mediator is an accepting, calming, and steady personality with a strong belief that love and belonging are earned by blending in with other people’s agendas.
*Each meditation includes an introductory track.
The Story of the Development of Enneagram Meditations from iAwake® Technologies’ Co-founder and COO, Pam Dupuy
When John Dupuy and I were in graduate school studying transpersonal psychology, we had an innovative psychological assessment class that combined learning the traditional DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) with the Enneagram types, as taught by Helen Palmer, author of one of the very first books to come out on the topic, called The Enneagram (1988). The Enneagram has been a powerful tool John and I have both used since 1986! I use it for self-reflection, to catch my blind spots, to help in relating with others, and in business, managing people. However, its core use and mission is to help people on the spiritual path clear their obstacles to being fully present (hence iAwake’s subtitle Deepening into Presence).
Fast forward to 2009, John started up a small treatment program based on his development of the Integral Recovery model, and we brought our good friend and colleague, Leslie Hershberger, on board to provide Enneagram typing and support to our students, as part of the treatment modality. Also a student of Helen Palmer, part of Leslie’s work involved leading the students on some amazing guided meditations she did off the cuff. From that period on, I have always wanted to record her guided meditations and combine them with our iAwake Technologies sound technology.
But it would be many years before, finally, in 2024, we pulled this together. Leslie continues to be an inspiration as she guides people to their interiors to become more aware of the conditioning that suppresses our natural presence to life, to ourselves, to others.
We matched her incomparable guided meditations with Leigh Spusta’s beautiful and gentle sound tech—a perfect blend that nudges the brain into alpha and theta brain waves to create a relaxed yet open mental state for receiving the guidance and exploring its gifts and challenges.
Leigh has been one of our core iAwake developers for many years and continues to develop beautiful sound technologies for transformation. The specific track we are using with Enneagram Meditations comes from the album Light at the Break of Midnight.
How to Use
Download the iAwake® App
First, download the FREE iAwake® App, log in with your email, and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
If you are new to the Enneagram and are not sure what your type is, included in Enneagram Meditations is Leslie Hershberger’s Enneagram Guide that will assist you in identifying your type, as well as additional resources if you need further help.
Once you have identified your type:
Listen to the Introduction to Enneagram Meditations, then the introduction to your type, and then the guided meditation of your type.
Use the guided meditation as often as is useful but we recommend initially to listen to it daily for 1 week, then weekly going forward or as needed.
For deeper dives, you can read through the remainder of the Enneagram Guide which goes into detail about the Centers, Pause practice, and conflict styles.
If you know your wings (for example a 9’s wings are 1 and 8), you can read about them in the guide and listen to those guided meditations as well.
If you know your integrating and disintegrating points, you can also read about them and use their meditations.
These meditations may sometimes evoke discomfort as you recognize aspects of your conditioning – so be gentle and curious about what you discover!
Brainwave Patterns Targeted
Alpha waves can amplify your clarity and imagination and boost your performance and creativity. They are said to be the “artist’s brain waves,” where new ideas and solutions are sparked and you connect to your inner playful state of clarity and wisdom. Alpha helps you become fully present in a state of multidimensional awareness, which increases problem-solving capacity, and you may even experience a sense of deep connection, belonging, and flow. Alpha is also fundamental to our spiritual growth, since we need a strong alpha in order to establish connections during states of trance, deep meditation, and dream sleep.
Theta brain waves are naturally occurring during the hypnagogic state (pre-sleep), REM sleep, and often predominate during deep meditation and healing states of visualization, hypnosis, trance, and psychonautic exploration. This brainwave bandwidth is typical when awareness of the information coming in through our physical senses decreases, as we turn our attention inwards and our body rhythms (heart and breathing rates) slow down. It’s the gate to our buried memories, unresolved issues, and emotional trauma, and reviewing this material can sometimes be unpleasant as we might access and feel our raw emotion (previously suppressed). Even though REM sleep already serves that purpose, it is important to include deep relaxation exercises in our routines, so healing and restoration of mind can occur. Theta brain waves are related to insight, visualization, and deep states of meditation, although they can also make you drowsy and be responsible for distractibility, moodiness, and lack of focus.
Soundtrack Details from the Creator of the Music, Leigh Spusta
We primarily employed the use of a psycho-acoustic compositional method in order to evoke imagery and readiness to experience a range of emotion. This is done by the interplay of tension and resolution between musical intervals, and the specific use of textures and timbres that provoke certain reactions in people.
These tracks were composed with a 432 Hz tuning so as to be in better alignment with sacred geometry, nature, and spiritual energies.
Although there are plenty of naturally occurring binaural beats in these tracks, we did not employ the use of any hard line target frequencies, no binaural beats, and no isochronic tones. We have relied on the composition itself to have all the necessary cues and evocative sensibility to move the listener into the ideal space to experience the imaginal realm.

Leslie Hershberger has been working with the 3 centered Enneagram for over 20 years as a consultant, master teacher, coach, spiritual guide, facilitator, and mentor. She’s certified in the Narrative Tradition, certified in the Enneagram in Business, has served as a mentor for students and teachers in training, keynoted at conferences, has served on the board of the International Enneagram Association, and was an editor of Nine Points Magazine.
Her expertise has come from over 20 years of boots-on-the-ground work with real people in countless settings: universities, businesses, schools, churches, non-profits, recovery communities, and hospitals.
She learned the Enneagram in 1998 and after her first workshop, she decided to make it the primary focus of her life’s work. Leslie went on to get a Master’s in Theology and focused primarily on the Christian contemplative traditions and Buddhism.
She started Enneagram programming in Cincinnati, Ohio, and continues to teach and facilitate Enneagram and personal/spiritual growth groups.
In 2004, she discovered the work of Ken Wilber and trained in Integral Theory, and eventually developed two online courses for Integral Life. She became the Enneagram expert for Integral Recovery with John Dupuy, CEO of iAwake Technologies and author of Integral Recovery. Leslie believes the best teachers are those who continue their own inner work in communities of practitioners.
Leslie lives on five quiet acres in Loveland, Ohio with her husband Dave who is in the travel business. They have three wonderful children and three grandchildren.

Leigh Spusta, creator of Alpha Arising, Forgetting Not to Remember, Gamma 40, Deep Delta, Deeply Theta, iAwake Mini Meditations, Solar Infusion, and the sound/entrainment tracks for Enneagram Meditations, The Gift of Gratitude – Recovery Edition, The Gift of Gratitude, Morning Ritual, Call of the Heart; In, Out & Through Vol. I; Kundalini (In, Out & Through Vol. II); and Deep Recovery, is a composer, hypnotherapist, and Certified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator, specializing in the use of sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.
His work has become internationally recognized and is enjoyed by thousands around the world. Leigh has worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producing a variety of therapeutic audio CDs, and has been hired as a consultant and producer working with companies in the United Kingdom. He also works with the HMI College of Hypnotherapy and the American Hypnosis Association as Director of Media Production.
Leigh combines his talents as a musician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, in an effort to pioneer new approaches to creating rich, resonant soundscapes for greater efficacy in healing and meditative products. Leigh is the developer of the proprietary PsimatiX™ therapeutic approaches and technologies.
“The Enneagram Meditations and information tracks were enjoyable and informative. Leslie’s encyclopedic knowledge on the topic comes through, not in a pedantic or overbearing way, but with just the right nugget of information at the right time. I have come away from these tracks appreciating the Enneagram as an integrated system of typology that’s much fuller and richer than my understanding of it before. I had lots of ‘aha’ moments as the meditations helped me to see each type and how it operates on the mental, emotional, and physical levels. I also found myself having greater clarity about what I was doing or how I was reacting to things in the environment. This was due to the meditations giving me more ‘space’ to have the reactions I have based on my type.” – Greg Skyles
“I was delightfully surprised. It is the first time the Enneagram made sense to me. The meditations were well thought out, conveniently short yet powerful. This program is like shining a spotlight on our patterns and behaviors wherein we can see things in a new way. Exploring the patterns is a powerful way to appreciate and understand people who favor different default patterns, which process expands our compassion and understanding. These meditations go beyond stress relief – providing practical resources for dealing with and understanding people and events. The tracks were brilliantly concluded so as to train people to take the meditations out into the world, and maintain the awareness and meditative state/feelings.” – M. Halbfish