Brain Awake
Catalyze your thinking and creativity
Brain Awake is a uniquely powerful audio program for accessing states of peak performance and flow. Weaving a profound, transformational, guided meditation with advanced brainwave entrainment technology, Brain Awake is designed to dramatically boost your concentration, memory, intuition, and creativity.
- A hypnotic inner journey to awaken the true potential of your brain
- Experience a beautifully immersive soundscape of 3D nature sounds, evocative sound textures, and harmonically layered brainwave pulses
- Feel energized, inspired, and ready to perform at your best
“This track literally rewrote the script in my brain! It’s like it scrubbed away all the thoughts that are not true about myself and connected me to the deepest truth about who I am.” – Lisa Celentano, MA, LMHC
Listen to the 3-minute Guided Meditation Sample Now
Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience. To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes, and relax for the next 3 minutes. Allow the guided meditation to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peace.
Don’t be fooled – this is not just beautiful music – it is the design of the hypnotic induction and the technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the powerful response.
Brain Awake can help you to:
- Develop a natural confidence in your own creativity and intuition
- Feel more motivated and energized about learning
- Spontaneously experience new insights and fresh perspectives
- Deepen your mastery of whatever skills or subjects are important to you
- Enhance your recall and mental clarity
- Access a state of calm, focused flow so you can perform at your best
Brain Awake: Finding the Gold in Our Untapped Potential with Joseph Kao [38:40]

Additional Info
Track Details
01 Brain Awake [22:32 minutes]
A guided hypnotic process for cognitive enhancement with gamma, beta, and alpha/theta brainwave entrainment.
02 Brain Awake – Soundtrack [30:02 minutes]
Music, nature sounds, and brainwave frequencies with no vocal guidance. This can be used whilst learning, working on creative projects, before peak performance events, and also during rest or meditation sessions.
Full package includes:
- 2 tracks (for a total of 52:34 minutes)
- Tracks accessible on the free iAwake Technologies app for iOS and Android
- Downloadable audio files available in MP3, WAV, FLAC, and ALAC formats
- User Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)
About the Tracks from the Creator, Joseph Kao
Brain Awake draws inspiration from the wild, adventurous, early days of brainwave entrainment and from the deep optimism within the human potential movement about what we are all capable of as human beings.
In these unusual times, I believe it’s as important as ever that we remain connected to our own strengths and to the ways each of us can make things better, both in our individual lives and as a society.
Brain Awake is about tapping into your natural human capacity for curiosity, optimism, learning, and innovation, and then implementing these skills in a practical way in the world.
This program also draws upon my work as a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist by embedding processes and strategies I’ve used for many years to help people tap into high-performance states so they can perform at their best in life.
I firmly believe that we are all capable of much more than we realize, and Brain Awake is designed to progressively awaken the remarkable capacities of your brain, more and more powerfully, each time you listen.
The Story of the Development of Brain Awake from the Creator, Joseph Kao
One of the realizations I’ve had in my work as a psychotherapist is the importance of relationship in every aspect of our experience. It’s how we relate to ourselves, to others, and to the world that informs and transforms our quality of life from moment to moment.
This is relatively easy to see when it comes to how we relate to friends, family, and loved ones. But it also applies to how you relate to learning, creativity, and putting in the work it takes to succeed.
When you love and accept someone for exactly who they are, it brings a warmth and ease to the relationship that’s deeply nourishing, and which helps that person to really believe in themselves.
But what about your relationship with yourself as a learner? Have you ever shied away from learning something because you assumed you’d be no good at it? Have you ever criticized your memory when you’ve forgotten something, or dismissed your ideas as foolish, unimaginative, or impractical?
This kind of attitude is a form of self-rejection. When we relate to ourselves like this, we’re rejecting our memory and our capacity to learn. We’re rejecting our creativity. We’re rejecting our ability to put in the work and keep going, because we’re scared that it shouldn’t be this hard, and that we might not be good enough to succeed.
In my experience, when you begin to actively appreciate and nurture your memory, when you begin to see the gold in your ideas, when you give yourself permission to put in the work and to succeed in your own unique way, it radically transforms your life for the better.
This is why I created Brain Awake.
Brain Awake utilizes a variety of effective psychological principles for accelerated learning, enhanced cognitive flexibility, and for deepening your self-belief. With repeated listening, it offers you a way to change your relationship with yourself, so that you instinctively nurture and develop your innate gifts, and allow yourself to really thrive as a human being.
Story behind Brain Awake [02:45]
How to Use
Download the iAwake App
First, download the FREE iAwake App, login with your email, and all your tracks will be right there. You can stream them, but we’d advise downloading them (from within the app) to ensure an interruption-free experience, and to be able to listen offline.
Use Brain Awake to:
- Develop a natural confidence in your own creativity and intuition
- Feel more motivated and energized about learning
- Spontaneously experience new insights and fresh perspectives
- Deepen your mastery of whatever skills or subjects are important to you
- Enhance your recall and mental clarity
- Access a state of calm, focused flow so you can perform at your best
As an initial conditioning process, listen to track one of Brain Awake every day for two weeks. This will give you time to thoroughly embed the strategies and principles of this program so that you can instinctively apply them in your life.
You can then use this track as often as you find useful, whenever you want to feel re-energized, mentally sharp, and ready to go.
You may find it especially helpful to listen in advance of events when you want to be at your best.
You can also choose a specific area of your life where you’d like to enhance your performance, and use the guided meditation for several days in a row to generate new insights, breakthroughs, and accelerated skill development in that area.
The second track is a thirty-minute extended soundtrack with just the brainwave entrainment and no vocal guidance. This track can be used for accessing flow states, for doing creative work, and for your own self-guided meditations.
How to use Brain Awake [02:15]
Brainwave Patterns Targeted
The harmonic matrix of brainwave frequencies used in Brain Awake is designed to evoke strong focus and intentionality, a dive down into inner stillness and centeredness, and then back to full wakefulness, energy, and readiness. This combination of heightened focus and inner calm produces a unique effect that is ideal for peak performance.
The primary frequencies that Brain Awake targets are beta and alpha brain waves. The particular combination embedded in these tracks is associated with high performance flow states, where you become so immersed in an activity that time flies by, and it’s as if you’re watching your own mastery in action. In addition, Brain Awake periodically targets gamma and theta brain waves, associated with creative breakthroughs and intuitive insights.
Brain Awakeuses the strategy of “tension and release” to create an experience of focused intensity [06:07]
Soundtrack Details from the Creator, Joseph Kao
The multi-layered soundtrack to Brain Awake contains a variety of advanced brainwave entrainment principles, including binaural beats, isochronic sound pulses, rhythmic panning, and amplitude modulated sounds. Many of these sound pulses are not designed to be perceived consciously, but they all work together as a harmonic matrix to guide the brain into an optimal learning state.
The background sound textures subtly change and evolve over the course of each track, supporting the different states of consciousness being evoked.
As you listen, you’ll also hear high definition nature sounds recorded with 3D microphones. These have been specially processed so that you can experience this 3D effect even when listening with stereo headphones. This helps the brain to deeply engage with the soundscape and to more fully respond to the embedded brainwave entrainment.
The brainwave entrainment technology in Brain Awake: oscillating primary frequencies with a layer of background gamma, 3-D nature sounds [03:07]

Joseph Kao, creator of the very popular Brain Awake, Profound Releasing, Profound Renewal, Sound Asleep, Journey to the Center of the Self, and Journey to the Depths of the Soul, is a hypnotherapist and a solution-focused therapist with a private practice in Cambridge, UK.
He works as a teacher and a developer of psychotherapy training courses, and has been the head scriptwriter for over 800 professional hypnotherapy recordings.
Joseph has practiced meditation since the late 1990s, and he’s used brainwave entrainment as a core part of his practice throughout this time. He is a father of two, a keen cold-water swimmer, and he is currently exploring how theater and improv intersect with psychotherapy and personal development.
Learn more about Joseph at
“The perfect pick-me-up when focus and a brain boost is needed. These tracks delivered exactly what I intended them to do. Example: middle of the day, tiredness, brain fog, overwhelm would set in. Thirty minutes with either track felt like an appropriate amount of physical rest while also providing a kick of waking up my brain to be able to tackle the next sets of tasks – both physical and mental. I particularly loved that given the “awake” intention there were no jarring noises or acoustics which might startle. It felt as though you could physically rest into the tracks.” – Rhonda
“The album is effective and wakes up your brain! I was in flow states for days on end where everything I did was smooth, in sync, and easy. Creativity just flowed from me without any deliberate intention of trying to make something happen. It was natural, relaxed, and the next thing to do just became apparent – brilliant. I was certainly more buoyant in mood and “full of beans,” as is said. Excited about life and what to expect from it. Lots of wonderment and an “anything can happen” attitude. This album “turns the lights on” — literally. It has taken around six or seven listens before it happened but clearly each session builds on the last until take off. Ha! Brilliant, just brilliant!” – Scott McGreevy