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Meditation Room

Click the ► Play Now button to open YouTube and view the replay of the WeAwake session on April 24, 2024.

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WeAwake session starts in


at exactly 12PM Eastern Time.

This week's meditation track is 02 Journeying from Hu Grace, Contemplative Voices for the Inner Journey.

Contemplative Voices for the Inner Journey

Poignant vocal harmonies, infused with iAwake’s signature brainwave entrainment, provide a beautiful support for inner journeying. Connect with the deepest, truest you and realize you are not alone — that you are everything…loved, accepted, protected, complete.


"Everything about these tracks represents GRACE."  Cynthia Entringer

Receive 25% OFF on Hu Grace  by using the promotional code  WEAWAKE  upon checkout:

*Coupon is valid until Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at MIDNIGHT - US MOUNTAIN Only.

Night Prayer

Now I lay me down
to stay awake.

Pray the Lord my soul to take
into your wakefulness,

so that I can get this one bit
of wisdom clear.

Grace comes to forgive
and then forgive again.

~ from Coleman Barks' A Year with Rumi