Resistance to Depth – 2.6.13

In this teleseminar, John Dupuy talks about an experience that he had in dealing with resistance of going deeper or going into the depth during meditation. He provides a lot of insight in dealing with this situation and how we need to heroically go through that in order to become our deepest self or our essential self which is our best self.

Some questions in this teleseminar include:

  • “You mentioned that the ego refuses to let you go deeper into your meditative practice, a resistance to surrendering and letting go. But this is difficult, isn’t it – how to surrender, and how to let go, since you’re not really supposed to do as in surrender or let go of anything. The question is how do you let go and how do you surrender?”
  • “I’m the guardian of an ADHD dyslexic child who is graduating high school in New York and will be going to college. I have questions about two of your products. The NeuroCharger – I was wondering would that help him be able to focus more and help him with his dyslexia more?”
  • “I have one more question, and this has to do with your NeuroStrength that’s coming out. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get him interested in using the NeuroCharger, but he plays varsity sports, and I think my way in with him perhaps using these products is through using the NeuroStrength. Are you expecting to have that out soon?”
  • “The sample on the NeuroCharger isn’t playing. Is that my computer? It says, ‘Play the NeuroCharger demo’ and it just keeps buffering.”

Some announcements in this teleseminar include:

  • There is an iPhone app called ReWire, and it supports the practice of meditation being in the present moment. It has three constant tracks that Eric Thompson created: Focus, Calm, and Joy.
  • For the NeuroStrength launch, there’s a free sneak peak bonus of another product called Vaporizing Performance Anxiety, which will be a part of a larger program that Eric Thompson is currently developing.
  • Check out the improved blog of the iAwake Team which continually features updates by John Dupuy, Eric Thompson, and various guest bloggers.


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