Positive Changes with the Use of Brain Entrainment – 9.5.12

In this teleseminar, John Dupuy talks about his upcoming 7 year anniversary with using brain entrainment technology and his observation of all the positive transformation that goes along with it.

Some questions in this teleseminar include:

  • (A question on where to start with meditation and using the Profound Meditation Program) “Should I just start on the intro course? Is that how you get on?”
  • “I have the PMP 2. I was wondering, since it’s an outlay of cash that I’m hesitating about, I was wondering if you can tell me what difference it would make to me to get the new version and what, specifically – how I could benefit?”
  • “I wonder if you’ve ever connected with [Daniel Amen] and his brain research.”
  • “How does this techno-spiritual path relate to what the Perennial Tradition calls ‘the descending path?'”


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