A life-changing experience guided by John Dupuy and supported by a community of fellow vision questers. This journey includes inspiring and informative guidance and talks, daily opportunities for questions and sharing, and daily group meditation using iAwake's transformative tools. In addition, there will be individual tasks and interior practices to be conducted each day on your own.

"I didn't realise you could so easily go on a journey with yourself, and in my visions my guide came to me. The virtual vision quest has helped provide comfort knowing I have somewhere to go, to help guide me to the answers I seek."
Michelle Shorthouse

“The vision quest was a deeply beautiful experience for me. It was a huge reminder that when you take time to focus your attention on deep questions, and when you actually believe, then the answers will come.”
Scott Colin
An Invitation to the 5-Day Virtual Vision Quest
August 8, 2023
Teasdale, Utah
Few in our culture have experienced the profound power of the Vision Quest, and many think this is not even a possibility for their own lives.
In many ancient, indigenous cultures, Vision Quests were considered an essential part of life’s journey – an initiation to finding one's path and becoming a complete human being.
There are various reasons to conduct a Vision Quest. First, because our ancestors found this to be the most effective way to find your path and your “medicine.”
It is up to each individual to find their purpose and asking the right question is of primary importance.
The medicine question is: What am I here to learn right now?
A Vision Quest is also useful if you are initiating a profound change in your life, such as getting married, becoming a parent, changing careers, choosing a field of study, or deepening your connection with your soul. And it is helpful when you are questioning the path you are already on, looking either to reaffirm your path or make necessary changes.
The Vision Quest is also a wonderful opportunity to review, bless, and let go of the past.
And it is a place to let Spirit know about the seriousness of your intentions, and your willingness to become the best person you can be.
This is not a quick fix – it is a lifelong journey.
And remember this, once you’ve made the decision...the journey has begun.
“It was a deeply moving experience and this program came just at the right time, as I am dedicating myself fully to birthing something new into the world.” ~ Ileana Rontea, Founder, Phoenix on the Rise
When I was a young man, I reached a point in my life when I found myself as a ship without a rudder on a vast and mysterious ocean. I had no sense of direction or even a meaningful purpose for being here. I was lost and it was painful. I needed to find purpose and meaning. It was time for a change, and I could not continue business as usual.
In that void of emptiness and not knowing, the clues and pieces began to emerge and fall into place. My Native American friends started telling me about their Vision Quests, and I began to notice the same type of quest being conducted in long ago times and far reaching traditions. For example, Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, would send his followers to the bodhi tree until they got it. Or Jesus, fasting in the wilderness before his ministry began. These are two men that changed the course of human history. It began to make sense, and I felt that I was in good company.
My heart cried out with hope and my warrior heart said, “With Spirit's help, I will do this." This direction and intuition took me from the San Francisco Bay Area to the Sierra Madre mountains, and eventually to the wilderness of Southern Utah. I found my sacred place in Dark Canyon, deep in the Abajo Mountains.
Spirit answers when we ask the right question.
I was tested. I cried out and told the Spirits of that place that I would die rather than leave without a vision. Mercifully, I was granted a vision, and so my life's work began to unfold and reveal itself quite rapidly.
What I experienced on that Vision Quest led me to become a wilderness guide for many years and eventually to the founding of iAwake Technologies.
"This Vision Quest was a new and very powerful experience for me. It opened a door to a rich inner world, and showed me a new way to communicate and find guidance from a higher self." ~ Doris
“But…a virtual Vision Quest?” you might ask. Surely, Vision Quests involve solo journeying in the wilderness, fasting, and hardship.
During the pandemic years, a friend asked me, "What are you really good at?" I answered, "Well... Vision Questing!" During the preceding years, I had done a number of additional Vision Quests and helped start a wilderness program that put hundreds of people out on Vision Quests in the wilderness. In addition to that, I have worked with other individuals and friends who felt called to find their path and their purpose.
The idea began to emerge that, perhaps, I could lead a Vision Quest online. I was rather shocked at this notion, not knowing if such a thing was feasible or would be effective. But the powerful voice I sometimes hear said, "Do it!" And I did.
There were 100 people in the first 5-day Virtual Vision Quest... and those of us who worked on putting this together and the participants were gobsmacked! Not only did it work, but it worked very well. There was a palpable sense that Spirit was with us and wanted us to do this work.
After that experience and the overwhelmingly positive reviews from the participants, we did it again. And it worked - AGAIN! We refined the journey a bit the second time around but still met with the same powerful results. In my experience, Spirit seems to honor the noble intention of finding your path in service and asking the right questions.
Another remarkable thing that emerged out of these experiences was that although a Vision Quest is a very individual, personal journey, it became a collective journey as well.
All of us matter in the mind of the universe.
This is quite different from the traditional Vision Quest in the wilderness. Every day, we had a time for sharing, where people would talk about their experiences and ask questions. What emerged was a very collective field that not only spoke to us individually but spoke to us as a community. Our insights and visions began to overlap and become part of something bigger than ourselves. The words that come to me when I think about this are “sacred, holy, and higher power guidance.”
“I never did such a quest before and really loved doing it in my ordinary life. This is the place and space I'm in day by day. Now, with the experience of this quest, there is a lot more possible. I don't have to be somewhere, in special places, to have such experiences.” ~ Steffen
So, dear friends, we are getting ready to do it again. Each day, there will be a teaching or dharma talk by yours truly, and a time for asking questions and sharing, as well as a collective meditation/prayer, which we do online together using iAwake's powerful transformational tools.
There will also be assignments to do on your own, again meditating and praying with iAwake's technology, journaling your experiences, and, very importantly, keeping a dream journal.
Ask and you shall find, knock and it should be open unto you, Jesus said. These words were confirmed to me many times in my experiences as a vision quester and as a guide for others. I take this responsibility and guidance as a very sacred endeavor. This is a part of living out the visions I have been granted.
I am honored and humbled to support you on your journey. We start on August 23, 2023. Join me!
With gratitude and love,

John Dupuy
The Power of the Vision Quest
Throughout time and across many ancient cultures, only select people could go on a Vision Quest. The purpose was to connect with Nature and Spirit, and access the wisdom that would benefit and guide the entire group.
Vision Quests were used to help indigenous peoples through powerful transitions such as birth, death, passing from adolescence into adulthood, and more.
The lack of these powerful ceremonial rites in modern times is demonstrated in our culture of disconnection: Millions upon millions of people suffer from depression, anxiety, loss of purpose, addiction, and more. Medicine people call this a soul loss.
Now more and more people are feeling called to seek a vision to guide them. Not just for themselves, but for the benefit of humanity and the planet at this axial time.
Through embarking on a modern day Vision Quest, and especially with the help of iAwake's dynamic brainwave entrainment technology, we can access altered states of consciousness, where we find new creative solutions and discover our purpose and our path.
It's more important now than ever before that Vision Quests become accessible to everyone who feels the call to commit to creating a more satisfying and purposeful life – for themselves and for the good of all beings.
The Spiritual Technology Inside iAwake
Neuroscience has learned more about the human brain in the last few years than in the previous 5,000. We’ve discovered that our brains are capable of growth and transformation throughout our lives, and that we have the capacity to keep functioning at ever-higher levels.
iAwake's unique approaches to session design entrain both our nervous and our subtle energy systems, by combining traditional entrainment methods with newer applications based on the power of resonance.
The VisionQuest audio tracks entrain to the brainwave frequencies of mid-theta, low-theta, and high delta simultaneously, which support:
- Insight and Vision
- Wakeful Dreaming
- Deep Meditation
- Creativity
- Enhanced Inner Awareness
In addition to increasing intelligence, creativity, flow, and skillfulness in practically any activity that requires the human body-mind, using iAwake Technologies allows us to enter deep, healing brainwave states almost immediately.
Five Days of Personal Transformation and Revelation
We will be working together for five days on live calls.
The Virtual Vision Quest includes:

Five Days of Live Interaction, Teaching, Group Meditation, and Q&A with John Dupuy: How to Do Your Vision Quest.
Join John and your fellow Vision Questers on a daily live call at 9 am PDT to receive inspiration and guidance to help you on your quest.

Daily Practices
Meditating, journaling, questing...each day of your quest, you will receive an email with tips on what to ask your inner self in your meditation and what to consider while you journal. Included are the Vision Quest Workbook and Vision Quest Dream Journal you can print out and use as your journaling guide.

VisionQuest: Sound Technology Featuring Innovative Brainwave Entrainment and Biofield Technology
VisionQuest: A Journey into Shamanic Consciousness consists of two 30-minute audio tracks designed to evoke the experience of an inner shamanic journey, and spark creative visions, insight, and awareness.

Private Download Page with Recordings, Audios, and Transcripts
Here you will find a variety of resources to aid you on your quest.

Private Community for Sharing
Join a private Vision Questing Facebook community (optional) to share your experiences and ask questions of fellow vision questers.

Access to the iAwake App to Play the Audio Program from Your Mobile Phone
Take advantage of iAwake's user-friendly app to listen and meditate to your VisionQuest tracks.

Bonus! Journey to the Depths of the Soul
Deeply connect with your soul and stay true to your soul path. Journey to the Depths of the Soul is a life-transforming series of guided meditations and mesmerizing, consciousness-altering soundscapes, from master hypnotherapist Joseph Kao.

"A powerful experience full of dreams and meaning for me in my place in the world right now. Loved the power of shared experience - like we are all going thru this together - and the facilitator (John) has powerful medicine in him that is prevalent in his voice and words."
Mark Allen

"I was amazed by the journey and my visions, and the experience was more than I could have imagined.
I loved the 2 tracks we used... and I was surprised how easily I flowed into the quest virtually."
Vivienne Dube
iAwake presents:
The Virtual Vision Quest
A 5-Day Live Online Experience to Connect
with Your Inner Wisdom, Find Your Purpose &
Be of Greater Service in the World
with John Dupuy, Vision Quest Guide & CEO of iAwake Technologies

Here’s a summary of what you’ll receive:
1) Five Days of Live Interaction, Teaching, Group Meditation, and Q&A with John Dupuy: How to Do Your Vision Quest
2) Daily Practices (including a Vision Quest Workbook and a Vision Quest Dream Journal)
3) VisionQuest: Featuring Innovative Brainwave and Biofield Technology
4) Private Download Page with Recordings, Audios, and Transcripts
5) Private Community for Sharing
6) Access to the iAwake App to Play the VisionQuest Audio Program from Your Mobile Phone
7) Bonus! Journey to the Depths of the Soul
Total Value: $197
Join John Dupuy and a Global Vision Quest Community in this Special Online Program Today!
Enrollment is open for a limited time - through
Monday, August 21, 2023
“I was delighted to experience how the questing time helped me to sustain a light state of entrainment that held me aware of my surroundings while at the same time experiencing detailed visions rich with full-spectrum sensorial input and somatic releases. I had rich interactions with human, animal, and spirit entities in each questing.”
“I very much enjoyed being coached in a group by a master of vision quests—John's energy came over directly in live meetings and when it was recorded, wow! I am still listening to the VisionQuest tracks and they are getting more powerful every day. I truly feel more grounded than ever, even with all that's going on energetically.”
Susanne Rose

We unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction with all iAwake programs when purchased via our website for 60 days. If an iAwake product fails to meet your expectations—for any reason—simply contact our customer service for a full refund.

John Dupuy, CEO
About Your Guide
John Dupuy
Late in the 80s, John went on his own personal Vision Quest in the Sierra Madre Mountains, where he received his vision of the wolf and discovered his soul’s purpose as a guide. Since then, he has facilitated many questers on their own journeys to discover their soul’s vision and their path.
John is a co-founder and the CEO of iAwake Technologies, and holds a master’s degree in transpersonal psychology. He has been working personally and professionally with brainwave entrainment technology since 2004, and has developed a passion for the power and efficacy of this technology to support emotional healing, deepen spiritual growth, and enhance the focus and flow functions of our brains.
Frequently Asked Questions
"This virtual Vision Quest was a game-changer for me. The day before [Vision Quest] I followed your inspiration of doing a shamanic journey in order to find my power animal. And yes, there was one waiting to help me through this quest. I experienced again a strange behaviour of my brain or within my brain while listening to the Vision Quest tracks. It felt like my brain was a kind of independent creature in my head moving to the sounds. This was simply resistance, as I realised later. The morning meditation on my third day was a very special moment. I asked the creator, I asked life, to open me up to the flow of life in and through myself. The resistance in my brain/head was gone. I was deeply moved and I felt gratitude and compassion in a way I never experienced before. These 30 minutes in the morning opened up something in me. This was pure magic.
So, what did I love about it? The question 'Whom does the grail serve?' and the attitude of being in my 'waking dream' helped me a lot. The personal experience you shared in the calls made me feel being connected to you. This helped me be more 'open' during this journey. I never did such a quest before and really loved doing it in my ordinary life. This is the place and space I'm in day by day. Now, with the experience of this quest, there is a lot more possible. I don't have to be somewhere, in special places, to make such experiences. And the quest helped me to get back on track." ~ Steffen